MR-2 Counter-flow heat exchanger


Counter-flow heat exchanger is installed on district heating substations that supply inner installation of central heating and usable hot water demand in residence buildings. Heat exchanger is supplied from external heating network and may be used individually or in a group system.

Technical Description
Heat exchanger is made of corrosion-proof steel, as welded construction. It is in a form of external cylindrical blanket closed with two heads with welded Dn50 spigots. In the blanket's lower and upper part there is an insert made of flexuously curved tubes in layers (alternately and circularly) of equal length that create good conditions of heat exchange and factors flow. Such arrangement of tubes eliminates a possibility of rapid inter-pipe space overgrowth and ensures longer operation of heat exchangers in constant operating parameters. Heat exchanger operates in a continuous system at counter-flow system. Heat exchanger works in a vertical position with preservation of factor flow in a pipe space from up to down and in interpipe space from down to up.

description | technical data | construction | characteristics 1 | characteristics 2